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a service case
using video


The web app for machine service
tapio ServiceBoard

Resolve machine problems digitally for quicker and more effective results. Using tapio ServiceBoard, you can create a new service case, add photos and details, and send the case to HOMAG Service digitally in just a few clicks. This means you have access to all of the information you require to help you quickly and comprehensively. Forget tiresome hotline calls and duplicated documentation effort — with ServiceBoard, you have constant access to your open or closed tickets and their associated solutions. It's even easier when your technician contacts you via video diagnostics, allowing you to eliminate any machine errors more quickly.

The benefits

  • Create a service case: It only takes a few clicks to create a new service case.
  • Add photos: An image is better than text, as you don't have to type the information in — we have the details in the photo.
  • Use video diagnostics: We all know how useful a video call can be. Connect directly to your HOMAG Service technician via ServiceBoard.
  • Overview of all service cases: You have a constant overview of all your service cases wherever you are as well as access to existing solutions.
  • On all end devices and without downloading: You can use the web app with all its functions in your browser — on a PC, a smartphone or a tablet.

Do you want to know more about ServiceBoard?

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» Data protection

In the ServiceBoard live demo, you'll find out how you can benefit from the Service Web app in everyday life.

What our customers say

”ServiceBoard makes life much easier for us, especially when it comes to documenting service tickets. For this reason, I wouldn't buy another machine for our production process if it can't be integrated into ServiceBoard.“

Jürgen Müller, Master Carpenter and Managing Director of exligno GmbH

Practical experience:
The products in use.