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the machine


The app that gives you
an overview of the machine status
and the remaining running time
MachineBoard from tapio

With the MachineBoard, you can see the status of all your machines at a glance, and you always have information about the remaining running times for the machines. For machine operators in particular, the MachineBoard provides valuable information and allows them to work more efficiently. All machines can ultimately be monitored at a glance, which making it easier to schedule setup times. There is only one simple prerequisite: the machine must be connected to tapio.

The benefits

  • Machine overview: Your machines that are connected to tapio are displayed in an overview with the respective machine status.
  • Remaining running time: You can quickly see how long the processing cycle, e.g. on your CNC machine, still has to run.
  • Work efficiently: You always know when an intervention is necessary. This saves time spent running back and forth and enables predictive machine operation.
  • Notifications: Get a push notification on your cell phone, tablet or smartwatch whenever there's a problem on a machine or interaction is necessary.
  • Details for each machine: HOMAG has integrated specific details of your machines into the MachineBoard for you to view from there, e.g. details about feed or safety.

Do you want to learn more?

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» Data protection

See what functions MachineBoard offers.

What our customers say

”The MachineBoard has allowed us to reduce our idle time significantly. Our employees know in good time when manual intervention is necessary or when tools or label rolls need to be changed.“

Philipp Ullrich, Project Engineer at Dethleffs